Sunday, December 2, 2012

We "Like" it

Hot Topic on Social Networking

                In the modern age of smartphone sand laptops, more and more people are using the internet. Because owning a computer (or a phone with online capabilities) has become more affordable and they are increasingly purchased, the world has begun to adapt to living online. Social networking in specific has become a frequently used tool for several different functions. Social network sites are absolutely mass media. Mass media is defined as industries that create and distribute media. Facebook has countless users who forward videos from YouTube and link articles from hundreds of websites across the net, including news sites. Users are also media objects themselves, like musicians, movies, and television programs that create FB accounts. 

Social networking sites distribute media on a constant, abundant level. Social networking sites are a unique breed. The producers and the audience are one in the same. Those who create Facebook sites also view others, connections through “friendships” being made for personal and business reasons alike. Social networks have changes the advertising world as well—at least they’ve added to it significantly. Almost every company has a Facebook (and usually Twitter) account. Television commercials and magazine ads feature the FB and/or Twitter logos indicating the company’s membership. Media convergence has created a society in which internet sites are integrated into magazine/newspaper ads and TV commercials. Facebook and Twitter are even mentioned on the radio via advertising as well as on talk shows.

In five to ten years, I believe social networking will advance way beyond its current formatting. With the rate of technological advancement and the climbing of social network popularity in the past 5-10 years, I think a new company will arise to take the place of FB and Twitter, like they had basically replaced MySpace. The new social network might be projected by a device upon meeting someone, like the Sixth Sense device hints toward. Maybe it’ll reach the point where two people shake hands and that contact automatically makes them “friends” online.

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